Tag Archives: eloqua

Content Marketing Process Visualized

Content Marketing can be quite tricky: you want to lure potential clients in by dazzling them with your knowhow and expertise. How and where to target prospects, leads and buyers?

This updated version of Eloqua’s marketing automation platform).

Click the image for a larger view of the chart! .

The . .

Eloqua Whitepaper: Factory Thinking in Sales and Marketing

How do you know if your marketing efforts are hitting target or are completely beside the point? Eloqua takes a look at the black box of marketing, and shows how technology can help to make the process between marketing and client visible and analyze the valuable data solutions such as Google Analytics can provide. Demand generation may never reach the well-oiled machine status of an efficient manufacturing plant — but by leveraging the right technologies and expertise, it can come remarkably close.

Today’s business-to-business companies face serious challenges. Marketing channels are becoming increasingly saturated, suspects and prospects are more difficult to reach, and the competition for the attention of buyers, influencers and even users has never been greater. Read More

Brand vs. Business Marketers: Is Your Vocabulary Getting in Your Way?

We wouldn’t be surprised if you said, „what brand vs. business metrics?!” Whats wrong with these people, brand and business work together, not as opposing forces. And you are correct; the brand represents the promise of your business. The challenge is the C-Suites perception that marketers whose key performance metrics are primarily brand-related such as measuring awareness, relevance, and interest, are not in touch with the business. Read More

From Lead to Revenue

Eloqua, they understand that marketing departments are no longer independent islands in organizations. Marketing is an essential element of businesses, and this means that they have financial responsibility, as Gary M. Katz and Glen S. Petersen also know. A solid planning and revenue creation is essential to this new position. In the whitepaper, Fueling the Revenue Engine - 5 Strategies for Building and Feeding a Marketing Machine, Eloqua demonstrates the role marketing departments can play in creating value for their organization. Read More