Over the years we have executed, coordinated and evaluated numerous DAM and MRM software selection processes.
What we have experienced is that in many first wave marketing software selections ( = limited experience with marketing technology and not replacing existing marketing software) , it is often the IT department or procurement department coordinating the selection. Criteria are often related to server requirements, security and price.
In these instances the business criteria remained very high level and even with a scorecard the outcome might be dubious. The business needs to have a thorough understanding of the business problem and the functional requirements overcoming those problems.
Jacob Morgan, co-founder of Chess Media Group, a management consulting and strategic advisory firm on collaboration, created a handy list of 8 evaluation areas which help you allocating the different selection variables to the correct stakeholder.

Make sure the different stakeholders in your marketing technology project deliver their part of the criteria and dont let it solely turn into a IT or procurement show. Also make sure you have somebody in the team who knows how to gather proper business requirements. It is time and money well spent.
Read the full article on software evaluation criteria here.