Tag Archives: Romek Jansen

Webinar: Success in Marketing Automation 10 Pitfalls to Avoid

On July 12th, 01:00 PM,  join us for a 30-minute webinar by Romek JansenMarketing Supply Chain Management: Ten Pitfalls to Avoid. Invest 30 minutes in this webinar and save yourself months of trouble and wasted budget. Make your Marketing Automation project a success. In this webinar, Romek Jansen has compressed ten years worth of implementing marketing automation technology and dozens of ‘lessons learnt slides’ into half an hour of valuable knowledge. See the 10 most common pitfalls and learn how to avoid them so you can jump start your project.

This is the last webinar in the ‘Get Inspired with Marketing Operational Excellence’ series, in which we give you practical tips and tricks, helpful concepts and strategic insights. It brings you the value drivers and the strategic business case. Benchmark the maturity of your marketing operations against industry scores and pinpoint where to begin to get results fast. If youve missed a webinar in the series, they are Aprimo.

Click here to register for the Ten Pitfalls to Avoid webinar. . .

Digital Branding Brand Leaders Summit 2012

MRMLOGIQ and editor-in-chief of MarketingGovernance.com.

Over the past few years digital communications have evolved from being merely an experimental advertising channel to penetrating the core of the brand platform and becoming effective tool in increasing awareness and enhancing brand loyalty. The world leading brands have entered the social networks and have accumulated a significant experience in the realm of digital communication. What have they achieved? How have they convert likes, fans and friends into brand loyalty and sales growth?  Read More

Webinar: Marketing Supply Chain Management

On May 31st, 01:00 PM,  join us for a 30-minute webinar by Romek Jansen: Marketing Supply Chain Management: Increase Your Marketing Efficiency. In this webinar, we will show how increased collaboration in your marketing organization can be a massive efficiency driver. However, improved collaboration also means more dependencies. But the marketing supply chain will be able to carry the load if these dependencies are transparent and guidelines, tolerances and quality checks are mutually agreed upon in Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Learn more about creating a flexible supply chain and the need for clear internal SLAs.

This webinar is part of the ‘Get Inspired with Marketing Operational Excellence’ series in which we’ll give you practical tips and tricks, helpful concepts and strategic insights. It brings you the value drivers and the strategic business case. Benchmark the maturity of your marketing operations against industry scores and pinpoint where to begin to get results fast.

The webinars that will follow are:

  • Change Management, June 21
  • 10 Pitfalls To Avoid, July 12

Click here to register. . .

Webinar: Strategic and Operational Alignment

On May 10th, 01:00 PM,  join us for a 30-minute webinar by Romek Jansen, Strategic & Operational Alignment: One Single Version of the Thruth. In this webinar we will show how strategic marketing objectives can be translated and embedded into daily tasks. How you can ensure that all your marketing activities and materials support your marketing strategy. Learn more about integrating all your tasks, campaigns, marketing plans and objectives across the whole marketing supply chain.

This webinar is part of the ‘Get Inspired with Marketing Operational Excellence’ series in which we’ll give you practical tips and tricks, helpful concepts and strategic insights. It brings you the value drivers and the strategic business case. Benchmark the maturity of your marketing operations against industry scores and pinpoint where to begin to get results fast.

The webinars that will follow are:

  • Marketing Supply Chain Management, May 31, 01:00 PM
  • Change Management, June 21, 01:00 PM
  • 10 Pitfalls To Avoid, July 12, 01:00 PM

Click here to register for May 10th and Get Inspired. . .

Webinar: Where to Begin with Marketing Operational Excellence?

first book on Marketing Resource Management (and editor-in-chief of MarketingGovernance.com). He will give you practical tips and tricks, helpful concepts, and strategic insights on marketing efficiency.

This webinar is part of the Get Inspired with Marketing Operational Excellence series of five in which we’ll give you practical tips and tricks, helpful concepts, strategic insights. It brings you the value drivers and the strategic business case. Benchmark the maturity of your marketing operations against industry scores and pinpoint where to begin to get results fast.

The webinars that will follow are:

  • Strategic & Operational Alignment, May 10, 01:00 PM
  • Marketing Supply Chain Management, May 31, 01:00 PM
  • Change Management, June 21, 01:00 PM
  • 10 Pitfalls To Avoid,  July 12, 01:00 PM

Click here to register. . .

An In-Depth, Participatory Research Into Marketing Resource Management and Thai Retail

We take our work serious. If somebody asks, What does Marketing Resource Management look like in Thailand? we just have to go there to find out ourselves. We conducted an in-depth study of local marketing strategies. The preliminary results suggest a remarkable standardization of retail strategies and communications, paired with a highly flexible and adaptive approach to demand. The raw data can be found below, compaired and contrasted with Marketing Resource Management: The Noble Art of Getting Things Done in Marketing. Efficiently.


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5 Marketing Automation Myths Put to the Test

There are five key resources in marketing. No more, no less. Answering the central MRM question, What needs to be created, by whom, using which technology, under which budget, in what timeframe? gives us the five-M paradigm: Materials, Manpower,  Machines, Money, Minutes.

Marketing automation systems can improve the use of each of these resources. But this kind of technology is still often mistrusted. How can technology do a better job than I do? Here are five common misconceptions for each marketing resource, and the reasons why Marketing Automation doesnt take over your job, but helps you do it better: Read More

Having 10 Strikers Wont Win You the World Cup

is the emphasis on ROI actually hurting Marketing? The article is based on an interview with Menno Lijkendijk, director of the Dutch B2B marketing company Milestone Marketing, ‘Can the focus on ROI create problems?’, Lijkendijk was asked. It is a topic which has my full attention.

Let’s start with my short answer: no, the focus on ROI is not hurting Marketing. But the wrong ROI focus is likely to create problems, and no focus on ROI will definitely create problems.

Read More

Operational Marketing Excellence Webinar

ADAM Software will host a webinar on “Operational Marketing Excellence”. The webinar will last for 30 minutes. During the webinar, Romek Jansen from MRMLOGIQ (and yes MarketingGovernance.com), an ADAM Software partner, will explore the solutions that help focus marketing operations on what really delivers value; the optimization of materials, processes and technology. Read More