AdGooroo knows that this is a keydate. They know the whole world is going back to school and in need of schoolsupplies.
Since everybody is buying online now-a-days they decided to research wich search key-word is most popular and had the most revenue.
Textbooks was the top back-to-school paid search keyword last summer for both spend ($829,857) and impressions (18,866,205). The second most popular keyword, school supplies, had nearly as many impressions as textbooks (17,300,378) but a fraction of the spend ($153,625), reflecting the higher price (and profit margins) of college and high school textbooks compared with general school supplies such as pencils and notebooks.
Below, additional key findings from the study, which examined the performance of 318 back-to-school terms in July and August 2012 on the US Google AdWords and Yahoo Bing networks.
Top Back-to-School Keywords
School uniforms was the third most popular back-to-school paid search keyword. Used textbooks was fourth, and soccer cleats was fifth.
Check the list and see how you can score a big hit this year.