What is Branding?

What is branding exactly? This video by Norwich Business School tries to capture the essence of one of the things in marketing and advertising thats so hard to pinpoint: the Brand. Originally a way of telling apart cows from different farms, brands have become complex and dynamic concepts. And since the rise of the Internet and (yes, there they are again) social media, marketers have been forced to release at least some control over their brands in order to let them flourish.

A brand is not just a logo, according to the video. Its the feeling of familiarity and trust that it sparks in the consumer. Thats what makes them so versatile: Virgin is a music label, an airline company, a chain of media stores, a telecom provider And still all these should be recognizable as part of one umbrella brand. And this is exactly where Marketing Operations comes in: it provides the structure and management to make sure brands can present a unified image, even if the manifestations of that brand are very different. .

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Author:Marketing Governance

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